Finish 2021 Strong

woman smiling with orange sweater in profile with new year's goals notebook in hand with unfocused christmas tree in the background

2021, much like 2020, had its up’s and its downs. As the year comes to a close, you may be wondering how to end the year on a positive note. Other than the holidays and the family gatherings we get to have this time of year, there are some things you can do individually and with your family to help finish 2021 on a strong, positive note.

Travel to the Unknown

Go somewhere you have never been. Most places within the country have beautiful weather this time of year. Maybe you’re thinking broader and want to travel out of the country, and we say go for it! This is your last month to accomplish that New Years Resolution of traveling to that bucket list place! Or, on a smaller scale, visit somewhere local, perhaps a cooking class, yoga class, or an art class. Not only will you go into 2021 feeling out of your comfort zone, but you will have a new skill.

Declutter Something

Think of a room or space in your home or office that has drove you nuts all year long. This is a great time to put that to an end before 2022! This not only will make you feel so much better, but it will give you a fresh start at the beginning of the new year!

Digitally Clean Up

Just like your home your phone, social media, laptop, and other devices hold so much junk from the year. Go through you social media pages and unfriend, delete and get rid of people you don’t talk to anymore or feel the need to keep up with. Delete the multiples of photos you have on your phone and other devices to free up some storage going into the new year, and overall start new when it comes to the new year.

Develop a New Hobby

You don’t have to wait for the new year to start before you make this a resolution. Start it now! Most often times, hobbies tend to stick more if you start them before you’re ready to start them! Therefore, don’t wait for everyone else to try that yoga class, or DIY project!

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Look Back at 2021

A great way to track your progress and often times see where you can improve the upcoming year is to revisit your 2021 goals. Think back into 2021 and think of all the goals you achieved, and the ones you still need to work on. Try making them more achievable and concrete for 2022.

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