When it comes to Thanksgiving, most people spend a good chunk of their day in the kitchen! It usually is not as stressful until you add kids into the mix. It can be pretty hard to keep your little angel entertained and out of the kitchen on the one day... [read more]
Everyone has a sweet tooth, especially around the holidays! Many people love, cake, pies, custards, and puddings around the holidays, but you can’t forget about cookies. Aunt Edna’s Sweet Tooth focuses solely on cookies! Looking for a way to ensure Santa eats all the cookies? Set out some cookies from Aunt Edna’s!... [read more]
Veterans Day is right around the corner, and we at Lee Nissan want to show our appreciation. We proudly serve and respect all of America's military servicemen and women at our dealership. After all, you have sacrificed for us, so it is our honored obligation to serve you in any... [read more]
Most of the attention in the kitchen on Thanksgiving day is on the turkey. Sometimes we can get so caught up on the main dish that we forget about all of the side dishes! Don't worry about whipping together some last-minute boxed mac-n-cheese or throwing some grocery store rolls in... [read more]
Halloween is right around the corner, which means it's time for costumes, scary movies, and so many snacks! Put the "treat" into trick-or-treat this year with these creative and delicious homemade desserts. These recipes are sure to knock people's socks off and have them coming back for more.
Candy Corn Bark
Create this... [read more]
Pumpkins are the staple produce of the fall season. Most of the time, people's minds immediately go to pumpkin pie when they think of pumpkin recipes. While a pumpkin pie is delicious, and it definitely satisfies your sweet tooth, try out something new this year with these adorable pumpkin bread... [read more]
Does your car's air filter need to be changed? This little part of vehicle maintenance can go under the radar for far too long. A lot of people have no idea that this one tiny detail actually has a whole list of benefits for your vehicle! Here are some fun... [read more]
As the temperature starts to cool down and the weather starts to change, finding something for you and your family to do between seasons can be a little tricky. It is too chilly outside for swimming but it is too nice to stay indoors. Here is a list of some... [read more]
Some people want to play backyard football just to have fun. On the other hand, some people are fiercely competitive. With so many styles of play, how can you make backyard football fun for the whole family? Explore these tips.
Make Even Teams
Before you start playing, make sure that the teams... [read more]
With October nearly here, fall activities are on their way. But what can you do during the autumn months? If you aren’t sure, keep reading to get inspiration.
Bake Using Cranberries
Baking is fun any time of the year. But it is even better when using seasonal ingredients. In fall, that means... [read more]